Integrated Research Information Management Suite (iRIMS)

The Integrated Research Information Management Suite, iRIMS, is NUS’ central research grant management system. iRIMS automates the end-to-end grant administration process and promotes collaboration and greater efficiency among researchers and administrators.

Interfaced with NUS core systems and external platforms, users can expect ease of access with Single Sign-on and manoeuvrability across different stages of the grant lifecycle.

iRIMS automates the end-to-end grant administration process

  1. iRIMS-InfoReady is the grant call module of iRIMS. This central platform hosts announcements on funding opportunities managed by the Office of the Deputy President (Research & Technology) (ODPRT), Office of the Senior Deputy President and Provost (SDPPVO), Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning (CDTL) and Faculties/Schools.

    iRIMS-InfoReady was opened for grant calls since Q4, 2020.

    Click here to access iRIMS-InfoReady.
  2. iRIMS-Sponsored Projects (iRIMS-SP) allows researchers and grant administrators to access proposal and project records from a central location to facilitate project management and monitoring.

    This module will eventually replace the existing, manual paper-based processes.

    Key features include:
    • Easy identification and sharing of proposal/project information with research team members.
    • Interfaced with the NUS Finance system to facilitate and shorten the research project account creation process.
    • Interface with the My Academic Plan (MAP) system to populate grants information to a staff's profile.
    • Interface with NUS Elements to allow linking of publications to awarded projects.
    iRIMS-SP was launched in July 2021 and is currently being piloted with the Faculty of Science. NUS-wide roll-out is targeted for Q4, 2021.

    Click here to access iRIMS-Sponsored Projects
  3. iRIMS-Fund Manager (iRIMS-FM) provides researchers and grant administrators a simple to use dashboard to access and view project financials for ease of budget management and monitoring. It interfaces with NUS' finance system and transactions data is synced daily.

    iRIMS-FM enables Principal Investigators and authorised grant administrators to access financial data of research projects they are responsible for from a single dashboard. It has an easy-to-navigate dashboard that displays budgets by overall votes which also allows for further drilling down to transactions level. Other features of the system include the ability to perform simple cost projections for anticipated hires and expenses.

    iRIMS-FM will be officially launched to NUS users in Q1, 2022. Look out for it!

    Click here to access iRIMS-Fund Manager
  4. iRIMS-IRB manages all new applications, protocol amendment, renewal, closure of studies and incident reports submitted to and reviewed by NUS IRB. Researchers can monitor all their submissions and studies from a single dashboard, as well as, track protocols that are expiring in 90 days or less.

    From 1 Dec 2020, all submissions (new application, protocol amendment, renewal, closure, incident) to NUS-IRB must be submitted through the iRIMS-IRB.

    Materials (user guides, training videos and FAQs) are only accessible via NUS network for NUS staff and students.

    From 1 Dec 2020, all submissions (new application, protocol amendment, renewal, closure, incident) to NUS-IRB must be submitted through the iRIMS-IRB. 

    Click here to access iRIMS-IRB.
  5. iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) manages the submission, review and approval of project risk assessments.

    With effect from 17 Sep 2024, NUS Principal Investigators shall submit through iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) their project risk assessments related to research grant safety review and approval by any of the following safety committees:
    1. NUS Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for life science related projects;
    2. NUS Institutional Laboratory Safety Committee (ILSC) for non-life science related projects;
    3. NUSMed Biosafety Level 3 Biosafety Committee (BBC) for Biosafety Level 3 projects at NUSMed BSL3 facility;
    4. Duke-NUS Animal Biosafety Level 3 Biosafety Committee (ABC) for Biosafety Level 3 projects at Duke-NUS BSL3 facility.
    Click here to access iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety).
  6. iRIMS-IACUC (Animal Oversight) is a platform that allows Principal Investigators (PI) and his/her designate to manage their IACUC applications including new submissions, amendments, renewals and closure of applications. It also allows PI to submit the Annual Protocol Review (APR) form.

    From 17 Sep 2024, all new applications to NUS-IACUC must be submitted through iRIMS-IACUC (Animal Oversight).

    For applications that have already been created in the Integrated Online Research Compliance system (iORC), amendments to them will continue to be made and submitted via the iORC until the protocol is closed/expired.

    Click here to access iRIMS-IACUC (Animal Oversight).

iRIMS is targeted for completion by 2022 Q1

What's New?

12 Jan 2022

Apply for Funding

12 Jan 2022

Award Acceptance