NUS Research

From blue skies research defining emergent fields, to problem-driven research addressing global needs, NUS' researchers pursue ideas inspired by the unknown, to push what is possible.

NUS Research

From blue skies research defining emergent fields, to problem-driven research addressing global needs, NUS' researchers pursue ideas inspired by the unknown, to push what is possible.

Our Research

Our researchers are embedded within the University's vast research ecosystem, which includes Schools and Faculties, research institutes and centres, corporate laboratories, joint laboratories, research consortia and Research Centres of Excellence.

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Global Partnerships

At NUS, we create synergies that cross boundaries by teaming up with government, industry and leading academic partners in Singapore and around the world. Such partnerships play an important role in helping NUS inventions make the transition from the laboratory to the marketplace.

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Office of the Deputy President
(Research and Technology)

The Office of the Deputy President (Research and Technology) oversees NUS' research administration matters, including research compliance and integrity, grant administration, strategic initiatives, industry engagement and research communications. The NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Institutional Review Board are also incorporated into ODPRT.  


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Our Sustainability

NUS is dedicated to sustainable development and global climate initiatives. We both contribute, and implement, solutions derived from research and interdisciplinary collaboration. Our goal is to enhance Singapore's research capabilities, and transform the campus into a living laboratory, to testbed innovations and incubate technologies.

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What's On


(De)Carbonizing Asia: Histories and Futures of Energy, Space, and Infrastructure

Hybrid (Online via Zoom & AS8 04-04)



Frontiers in Cancer Science 2024

Matrix, Biopolis, 30 Biopolis Street,
Singapore 138671



Shaping Coastal and Flood Resilience through Progress and Partnerships

NUS Engineering Auditorium
