Meeting Schedule

The IACUC schedules regular meetings to deliberate on proposals submitted for the use of animals for scientific purposes. These meetings are convened only when a quorum of at least 50% or more of the IACUC members is present, with at least one representative from either the non-scientist or the non-affiliate category. Decision making is by the vote of a majority of the quorum. The IACUC schedules to meet every 3rd Monday of the month except when it falls on a public holiday when it will then be scheduled on the next working day.

The IACUC will only accept proposals after they have been preliminarily reviewed. Submission deadlines for preliminary review are listed below. Submissions received after the deadline are automatically scheduled for the following month's IACUC meeting e.g proposal received through iORC after 17th January 2022 will be scheduled for March IACUC meeting.

Next IACUC Meeting

Next IACUC Meeting Date   Protocol Submission Deadline
Monday, 21 Oct 2024
  Monday, 16 Sep 2024

Schedule of IACUC meetings for 2023-2024

IACUC Meeting Date (Every 3rd Monday of the month unless the Monday is a Public Holiday)
Protocol Submission Deadline for Preliminary Review
15 Jan 2024 **11 Dec 2023 (brought forward due to holidays last week of Dec)
19 Feb 202415 Jan 2024

March and/or April – proposed Annual IACUC inspections for Vivaria or Procedure Rooms
18 Mar 202419 Feb 2024
15 Apr 202418 Mar 2024
20 May 202415 Apr 2024
 ##Tuesday 18 Jun 2024
(Monday 17 Jun 2024 is public holiday) 
20 May 2024
Weeks of 17 and 24 Jun - a date to be identified for Program Review
15 Jul 202413 Jun 2024 (Thursday)
19 Aug 202415 Jul 2024
16 Sep 2024  19 Aug 2024
21 Oct 202416 Sep 2024 
Oct and/or Nov – proposed Annual IACUC inspections for Vivaria or Procedure Rooms 
18 Nov 202421 Oct 2024
16 Dec 202418 Nov 2024
20 Jan 2025 16 Dec 2024

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